Description Of Word Processing Packages
Computer application program that we use to create, edit, and print documents is refers to as word processing. Of all computer applications, word processing is the most
common. To perform word processing, you need a computer, a special program called a word processor, and a printer. A word processor enables you to create a document, store it electronically on a disk, display it on a screen, modify it by entering commands and characters from the keyboard, and print it on a printer.
- Word Processing Compared To Using A Typewriter The great advantage of word processing over using a typewriter is that you can make changes without retyping the entire document. If you make a typing mistake, you simply back up the cursor and correct your mistake. If you want to delete a paragraph, you simply remove it, without leaving a trace. It is equally easy to insert a word, sentence, or paragraph in the middle of a document. Word processors also make it easy to move sections of text from one place to another within a document, or between documents. When you have made all the changes you want, you can send the file to a printer to get a hard copy.
11.1.2 Word Processor Features
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Word processors vary considerably, but all word processors support the following feature;
Basic Features
- Insert text: Allows you to insert text anywhere in the document.
- Delete text: Allows you to erase characters, words, lines, or pages as easily as you can cross them out on paper.
- Cut and paste: Allows you to remove (cut) a section of text from one place in a document and insert (paste) it somewhere else.
- Copy: Allows you to duplicate a section of text.
- Page size and margins: Allows you to define various page sizes and margins, and the word processor will automatically readjust the text so that it fits.
- Search and replace: Allows you to direct the word processor to search for a particular word or phrase. You can also direct the word processor to replace one group of characters with another everywhere that the first group appears.
- Word wrap: The word processor automatically moves to the next line when you have filled one line with text, and it will readjust text if you change the margins.
- Print: Allows you to send a document to a printer to get hardcopy.
Standard Features
Word processors that support only the basic features (and maybe a few others) are called text editors. Most word processors, however, support additional features that enable you to manipulate and format documents in more sophisticated ways. These more advanced word processors are sometimes called full-featured word processors. Full- featured word processors usually support the following features:
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- File management: Many word processors contain file management capabilities that allow you to create, delete, move, and search for files.
- Font specifications: Allows you to change fonts within a document. For example, you can specify bold, italics, and underlining. Most word processors also let you change the font size and even the typeface.
- Footnotes and cross-references: Automates the numbering and placement of footnotes and enables you to easily cross- reference other sections of the document.
- Graphics: Allows you to embed illustrations and graphs into a document. Some word processors let you create the illustrations within the word processor; others let you insert an illustration produced by a different program.
- Headers, footers, and page numbering: Allows you to specify customized headers and footers that the word processor will put at the top and bottom of every page. The word processor automatically keeps track of page numbers so that the correct number appears on each page.
- Layout: Allows you to specify different margins within a single document and to specify various methods for indenting paragraphs.
- Macros: A macro is a character or word that represents a series of keystrokes. The keystrokes can represent text or commands. The ability to define macros allows you to save yourself a lot of time by replacing common combinations of keystrokes.
- Merges: Allows you to merge text from one file into another file. This is particularly useful for generating many files that have the same format but different data. Generating mailing labels is the classic example of using merges.
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- Spell checker: A utility that allows you to check the spelling of words. It will highlight any words that it does not recognize.
- Tables of contents and indexes: Allows you to automatically create a table of contents and index based on special codes that you insert in the document.
- Thesaurus: A built-in thesaurus that allows you to search for synonyms without leaving the word processor.
- Windows: Allows you to edit two or more documents at the same time. Each document appears in a separate window. This is particularly valuable when working on a large project that consists of several different files.
- WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get): With WYSIWYG, a document appears on the display screen exactly as it will look when printed.
11.2 Area of Application of Word Processor Packages In Business Organization
Within the business world, word processors are extremely useful tools. Typical uses include:
- Letters and letterhead: A letter is a written message containing information from one party to another. The role of letters in communication has changed significantly since the nineteenth century. Historically, letters (in paper form) were the only reliable means of communication between two people in different locations. A letterhead is the heading at the top of a sheet of letter paper (stationery). That heading usually consists of a name and an address, and a logo or corporate design, and sometimes a background pattern. The term “letterhead” is often used to refer to the whole sheet imprinted with such a heading. The majority of company letterheads are printed A4 in size (210mm x 297mm) although occasionally A5 (148mm x 210mm) and other
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bespoke sizes are sometimes used. These letters and letterhead are been design with the use of Word processor packages
- Memorandum: A memorandum (abbrev. memo) was from the Latin verbal phrase memorandum est, the gerundive form of the verb memoro, “to mention, call to mind, recount, relate”, which means “It must be remembered (that)…”. It is therefore a note, document or other communication that helps the memory by recording events or observations on a topic, such as may be used in a business office. This memoro are been design with the use of Word processor.
- Distribution of Multiple Copies: Using a word processing program instead of plain old pencil and paper means you can easily distribute copies of your writing to others. While it‘s true that you can make photocopies of a hand-written document and physically give them out, using word processing software means your words can be transmitted to millions of people anywhere in the world with the touch of a button — and no trees need to die for it.
- Everyone Can Read Your Writing: It‘s not just doctors who have handwriting that is challenging to read. Many people have less-than-perfect penmanship and could benefit greatly from doing their writing with a word processing program. Using word processing means your writing will always be readable. Word processing programs use clear, easy to read fonts and you can easily increase the size of your text to benefit those who may have trouble seeing clearly.
11.3 Word Processing With Microsoft Word 2010
- Microsoft Word 2010 is a word-processing program, designed to help you create professional-quality documents. With the finest document-formatting tools, Word helps you organize and write your documents more efficiently. Word also includes powerful
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editing and revising tools so that you can collaborate with others easily.
11.3.2 Identification Of Microsoft Word 2010 Components
All the components of the MS word 2010 are presents in it its window component or the graphical user interface shown below.
Figure 11a. MS Word 2010 GUI
The Ribbon
Understanding the Ribbon is a great way to help understand the changes between Microsoft 2003 to Microsoft 2010. The ribbon holds all of the information in previous versions of Microsoft Office in a more visual stream line manner through a series of tabs that
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include an immense variety of program features. The ribbon is made up of collection of tabs as listed and discussed below.
Home Tab
This is the most used tab; it incorporates all text formatting features such as font and paragraph changes.
Figure 11b. Home tab
Insert Tab
This tab allows you to insert a variety of items into a document from pictures, clip art, tables and headers and footers.
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Figure 11c. Insert tab
Page Layout Tab
This tab has commands to adjust page elements such as margins, orientation, inserting columns, page backgrounds and themes.
Figure 11d. Page layout tab
Reference Tab
This tab has commands to use when creating a Table of Contents and citation page for a paper. It provides you with many simple solutions to create these typically difficult to produce documents.
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Figure11e. Reference tab
Mailing Tab
This tab allows you to create documents to help when sending out mailings such as printing envelopes, labels and processing mail merges.
Figure11f. Mailing tab
Review Tab
This tab allows you to make any changes to your document due to spelling and grammar issues. It also holds the track changes feature which provides people with the ability to make notes and changes to a document of another person.
Figure11f. Review tab
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View Tab
This tab allows you to change the view of your document to a different two page document or zoom.
Figure 11g. View tab
Now that you have an understanding of where things are located, let‘s move further to romance with computer.
Practice 1
Opening Ms Word 2010
You may have a shortcut to Word on your desktop, if so double click the icon and Word will open. If not follow the steps below:
- Click on the Start button
- Highlight Programs
- Highlight Microsoft Office
- Click on Microsoft Word 2010
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Practice 2
Create a New Document
- Click the File tab and then click New.
- Under Available Templates, click Blank Document.
- Click Create.
Practice 3
Using Templates
Word 2010 allows you to apply built-in templates from a wide selection of popular Word templates, including resumes, agendas, business cards, and faxes. To find and apply a template in Word, do the following:
- On the File tab, click New.
- Under Available Templates, do one of the following:
- To use one of the built-in templates, click Sample Templates, click the template that you want, and then click Create.
- To reuse a template that you‘ve recently used, click Recent Templates, click the template that you want, and then click Create.
- To find a template on, under Templates, click the template category that you want, click the template that you want, and click Download to download the template from to your computer.
- Once you have selected your template you can modify it in any way to create the document you want.
Note: You can also search for templates on from within Word. In the Search for templates box, type one or more search terms, and then click the arrow button to search.
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Practice 4
Opening A Document
- Click the File tab, and then click Open.
- In the left pane of the Open dialog box, click the drive or folder that contains the document.
- In the right pane of the Open dialog box, open the folder that contains the document that you want.
- Click the document and then click Open.
Practice 5
How To Insert Sample Text
To insert sample text in Word 2007 or Word 2010, use any of the following methods.
Method 1: Use rand()
To insert localized sample text in Word 2007 or Word 2010, type=rand() in the document where you want the text to appear, and then press ENTER. The sample text that is inserted for the English version of Word 2007 or Word 2010 resembles the following text:
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look.¶
You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document text by choosing a look for the selected text from the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab. You can also format text directly by using the other controls on the Home tab. Most
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controls offer a choice of using the look from the current theme or using a format that you specify directly.¶
To change the overall look of your document, choose new Theme elements on the Page Layout tab. To change the looks available in the Quick Style gallery, use the Change Current Quick Style Set command. Both the Themes gallery and the Quick Styles gallery provide reset commands so that you can always restore the look of your document to the original contained in your current template.¶
Note This text includes a paragraph symbol (¶) that is displayed when sample text is inserted. You can control how many paragraphs and lines appear by adding numbers inside the parentheses of the rand() function. The =rand() function has the following syntax:
Note In this function, p is the number of paragraphs, and l is the number of lines that you want to appear in each paragraph.
The following are some examples that show how the parameters work:
· =rand(1) inserts one paragraph with three lines of text in the paragraph.
· =rand(10,10) inserts 10 paragraphs with 10 lines of text in each paragraph.
The parameters are optional. If you omit the parameters, the default number of paragraphs is three, and the default number of lines per paragraph is also three.
Method 2: Use rand.old()
To insert localized sample text that is compatible with Microsoft Office Word 2003 and earlier versions, type =rand.old() in the document where you want the text to appear, and then press
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ENTER. The sample text that is inserted in the English version of Word 2007 or Word 2010 appears resembles the following:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. ¶
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. ¶
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. ¶
You can control how many paragraphs and lines appear by adding numbers inside the parentheses of the rand.old() function. The
=rand.old() function has the following syntax:
Note In this function, p is the number of paragraphs, and l is the number of lines that you want to appear in each paragraph. The parameters are optional. If you omit the parameters the default number of paragraphs is three, and the default number of lines per paragraph is also three.
Method 3: Use lorem()
To insert non-localized, pseudo-Latin sample text in Word 2007 or Word 2010, type =lorem() in the document where you want the text to appear, and then press ENTER. The sample text that is inserted resembles the following text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed
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pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna.¶
Nunc viverra imperdiet enim. Fusce est. Vivamus a tellus.¶
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin pharetra nonummy pede. Mauris et orci.¶
You can control how many paragraphs and lines appear by adding numbers inside the parentheses of the lorem() function. The
=lorem() function has the following syntax: lorem(p,l)
Note In this function, p is the number of paragraphs, and l is the number of lines that you want to appear in each paragraph. The parameters are optional. If you omit the parameters the default number of paragraphs is three, and the default number of lines per paragraph is also three.
Practice 6
Working with Home Tab
The home tab are divided into 5 groups which are: clipboard, font, paragraph, styles and editing. We will work with the menus under each of the group accordingly.
- Clipboard Group: this group is made up of the following menus/commands; Paste, Cut, Copy and Format Painter.
If you would like to remove text from your document you can copy or cut the text from the document. Simply highlight the text and go to the Home tab in the Clipboard group and click Cut or Copy. You can also right click on your mouse and select Cut or Copy. If you Copy text, you typically need to Paste it somewhere. The Paste feature in 2010 is much more detailed than in previous versions of
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Word. When you paste content, the Paste Options button provides different options, depending on the source of the content. To Paste, click on the area you want your information to be inserted and either go to the Home tab in the Clipboard group and click Paste or right click on your mouse and select Paste.
The Format Painter feature allows you to quickly copy a format that you have applied to text already in your document.
- Select the text or graphic that has the formatting that you want to copy.
- On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, single click Format Painter. The pointer will change to a paintbrush icon.
- Bring your cursor to the text or graphic that you want to format and click on the text.
- To stop formatting, press ESC or click on the Format Painter command again.
Note: Double-Click The Format Painter Button If You Want To Change The Format Of Multiple Selections In your Document.
Figure 11h. Clipboard group
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Let us practice by typing the following document in our working area of Microsoft word 2010;
To Copy or Cut
- Highlight the content/s to be copy or cut
- Click on cut or copy from the clipboard group
Note: when you cut the content cut will be permanently remove from it currently location and temporarily stored in the clipboard. When copy the content will be duplicated with original copy still remain in it is location and duplicate store temporarily in the clipboard.
Now do the followings
- Cut YEKINI NURENI ASAFE from the sentence and paste it at the end of the document
- Use the format painter to format every word with at least 3 letters with format in the word Lecturers
- Font Group: this group is made up of menus/commands to edit/format font in the words or sentences. The commands included are; bold command (Ctrl + B), Italic command (Ctrl+ I), Underline command (Ctrl + U), strikethrough
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command, Subscript command, superscript command, Grow font command (Ctrl + >), shrink font command (Ctrl + <), Change case command, Text effect menu, Text highlighting color, font color, font type (Ctrl + Shift + F), font size command (Ctrl + Shift + P) and clear formatting command. The dialog box for this group is as follow:
Figure 11h. Font group dialog box
Let us know use of the commands/menus; refer to the previous used document in a). Highlight the word OPPONENT and perform the following activities:
i- Change the font type to albertus extra bold Font size 72 Font color yellow Capitalize first letter of the word |
- v- Underline the word
vi- Invoke the font group dialog box
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- Paragraph Group: this group is made of the commands/menus to execute some tasks like; bullets, numbering list, align of texts, line and paragraph spacing, decrease and increase indent, shading, sort, etc. the dialog box for this group is as follows;
Figure11i. Font group dialog box Let us try this simple exercise:
- Generate a sample text with 3 paragraphs and 3 sentences with MS word 2010
- What is the default spacing between the lines and after each paragraph
- Describe the procedure for adjusting line spacing in the generated sample text
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- To generate the sample text type =ran() and press enter key
- The default spacing is 1.15 line spacing and 10 points after each paragraph. The default spacing in Office Word 2003 documents is 1.0 between lines and no blank line between paragraphs.
- The easiest way to change the line spacing for an entire document is to highlight the paragraphs or entire document that you want to change the line spacing on.
On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, Click
Line Spacing.
Figure11j. Line Spacing Dialog Box
- Do one of the following:
Click the number of line spaces that you want. For example, click 1.0 to single-space with the spacing that is used in earlier versions of Word. Click 2.0 to double-space the selected paragraph. Click 1.15 to single-space with the spacing that is used in Word 2010.
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- Click Remove Space Before Paragraph to remove any additional lines added after each paragraph as a default
Note: If a line contains a large text character, graphic, or formula, Word increases the spacing for that line. To space all lines evenly within a paragraph, use exact spacing and specify an amount of space that is large enough to fit the largest character or graphic in the line. If items appear cut off, increase the amount of spacing.
Use of Sort, Bullets commands
Type the following lecturer names from department of computer technology on each line; use any bullet type from the bullet list and arrange the name in ascending and descending order
Procedures to Achieve the Set Objectives
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i – Highlight the names from Yekini to Oludipe on a vertical line
ii – Click on bullet command to select bullet type you want
iii – Click on sort command in paragraph group: a dialog box appear
iv – Click on sort type either ascending or descending order.
Figure11k. Sort Text Dialog Box Here is the result after the
The names after inserting bullet
- Yekini
- Lawal
- Ojo
- Akinwole
- Oladosu
- Adigun
- Alakiri
- Ayannuga
- Ikotun
- Oyeola
- Ogundele
- Oladiboye
- Oludipe
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The name after arrange in ascending
- Adigun
- Akinwole
- Alakiri
- Ayannuga
- Ikotun
- Lawal
- Ogundele
- Ojo
- Oladiboye
- Oladosu
- Oludipe
- Oyeola
- Yekini
The name after arrange in descending order
- Yekini
- Oyeola
- Oludipe
- Oladosu
- Oladiboye
- Ojo
- Ogundele
- Lawal
- Ikotun
- Ayannuga
- Alakiri
- Akinwole
- Adigun
- Styles group: Using built-in heading styles is applicable to heading or subheading of our document. To use heading style
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- Select the text that you want to appear in the heading.
- On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the style that you want.
- Editing Group: this group contains the commands to find, replace and select information in the document.
- To use the find and replace command a dialog box will be invoke as follow; to invoke the find and replace dialog box, double-click on find or replace icon in editing group or press F5 on the Keyboard.
Figure 11j. Find and replace dialog box Let us practice as follow;
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i- Generate three paragraph and five sentences sample text
ii- Find the word gallery and replace it YEKINI
iii- How many replacements did you made?
- To generate sample text with three paragraph and five sentences, type =ran(3,5) at exact location where you want the sample text to appear. Then you have the following document.
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document text by choosing a look for the selected text from the Quick Styles yekini on the Home tab. You can also format text directly by using the other controls on the Home tab.
Most controls offer a choice of using the look from the current theme or using a format that you specify directly. To change the overall look of your document, choose new Theme elements on the Page Layout tab. To change the looks available in the Quick Style yekini, use the Change Current Quick Style Set command. Both the Themes yekini and the Quick Styles yekini provide reset commands so that you can always restore the look of your document to the original contained in your current template. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document.
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You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages, and other document building blocks. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also coordinate with your current document look. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document text by choosing a look for the selected text from the Quick Styles yekini on the Home tab. You can also format text directly by using the other controls on the Home tab. Most controls offer a choice of using the look from the current theme or using a format that you specify directly. |
To find the word gallery and replace it Yekini
DoubleClick on replace or find command in editing group or press F5 on a keyboard. Find replace dialog box appear.
In a find what textbox type gallery or copy gallery from the document and paste it inside the box
In a replace with text box type Yekini
Click on replace all
Note: At the end 5 replacement will be made an you have the following dialog box.
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Figure 11k. Find and replace dialog box
Practice 7
Working with Insert Tab
Insert tab is divided into 7 main groups which are; pages, tables, illustrations, links, header and footers, text and symbol.
Page group is made up of cover page, plank page and page break commands, a cover page will enable us to generate front cover for our document.
To Insert/Remove Cover Page
Open the document to insert cover page
DoubleClick on cover page icon in page group and select the cover page from options available.
To remove the cover page click remove current cover page
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Note you can scroll up or down to select cover page
Figure 11l. Insert cover dialog box
To Insert Blank Page
MS Word automatically jumped to another page when the cursor reaches the bottom margin of the current page. A case may warranty generation of new page without exhausting the current page. To insert blank page we follow the procedure below
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- Click on insert tab of the ribbon
- On page group click on Bank page; the new page is generated below the current page
Insert Page Break
Word automatically inserts a page break when you reach the end of a page. If you want the page to break in a different place, you can insert a manual page break. Or you can set up rules for Word to follow so that the automatic page breaks are placed where you want them. This is especially helpful if you are working in a long document.
Click where you want to start a new page.
On the Insert tab, in in the Pages group, click Page Break.
Tables: In Microsoft Word, you can insert a table in three ways: choosing from a selection of preformatted tables — complete with sample data — or by selecting the number of rows and columns that you want. You can insert a table into a document, or you can insert one table into another table to create a more complex table.
Choose from a gallery of preformatted table templates.
Use the Table menu to specify the number of rows and columns that you want.
Use the Insert Table dialog box.
Procedure to Insert Table
- Click where you want to insert a table.
- On the Insert tab, in the Tables group
- Click Table a dialog box appear
- Key in the number of rows and column
- Click ok
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Note you can also use other options like, draw table, excel spreadsheet table, convert text to table and quick table option.
Figure11m. Insert table dialog box
c) Header and Footers
If you want to add a graphic or text at the top or the bottom of your document, you need to add a header or footer. You can quickly add a header or footer from the galleries or you can add a custom header or footer. You can use these same steps to add a header or footer without page numbers.
Add a Header or Footer from The Gallery
On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click Header or Footer.
Click the header or footer that you want to add to your document.
To return to the body of your document, click Close Header and Footer on the Design tab (under Header & Footer Tools)
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Add a Custom Header Or Footer
- Double-click in the header area or the footer area (near the top of the page or near the bottom of the page). This opens the Design tab under Header & Footer Tools.
- To place information in the center or on the right side of the page, do any of the following:
- To place information in the center, click Insert Alignment Tab in the Position group of the Design tab, click Center, and then click OK.
- To place information on the right side of the page, click Insert Alignment Tab in the Position group of the Design tab, click Right, and then click OK.
- Do one of the following:
- Type the information that you want in your header.
- Add a field code by clicking the Insert tab, clicking Quick Parts, clicking Field, and then clicking the field you want in the Field names list.
Examples of information that you can add by using fields include Page (for page number), NumPages (for the total number of pages in your document), and FileName (you can include the file path).
- If you add a Page field, you can change the numbering format by clicking Page Number in the
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Header & Footer group, and then clicking Format Page Numbers.
To return to the body of your document, click Close Header and Footer on the Design tab (under Header & Footer Tools).
Add A Page Number Without Any Other Information
If you want a page number on each page, and you don’t want to include any other information, such as the document title or the location of the file, you can quickly add a page number from the gallery, or you can create a custom page number or a custom page number that includes the total number of pages (page X of Y pages).
- On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click Page Number.
- Click the page number location that you want.
- In the gallery, scroll through the options, and then click the page number format that you want.
- To return to the body of your document, click Close Header and Footer on the Design tab (under Header & Footer Tools).
Add a Custom Page Number
- Double-click in the header area or the footer area (near the top of the page or near the bottom of the page). This opens the Design tab under Header & Footer Tools.
- To place your page number in the center or on the right side of the page, do the following:
- To place your page number in the center, click Insert Alignment Tab in the Position group of the Design tab, click Center, and then click OK.
- To place your page number on the right side of the page, click Insert Alignment Tab in the Position group of the Design tab, click Right, and then click OK.
- On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts, and then click Field.
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- In the Field names list, click Page, and then click OK.
- To change the numbering format, click Page Number in the Header & Footer group, and then click Format Page Numbers.
- To return to the body of your document, click Close Header and Footer on the Design tab (under Header & Footer Tools).
- Text Group: the commands in this group include text box, quick parts, Wordart, drop cap etc.
To Use Wordart
You can use WordArt to add special text effects to your document. For example, you can stretch a title, skew text, make text fit a preset shape, or apply a gradient fill. This WordArt becomes an object that you can move or position in your document to add decoration or
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emphasis. You can modify or add to the text in an existing WordArt object whenever you want.
Adding Wordart
- On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click WordArt, and then click the WordArt style that you want.
- Enter your text.
Convert Existing Text To Wordart In Powerpoint
- Select the text that you want to convert to WordArt.
- On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click WordArt, and then click the WordArt that you want.
Inserting Text Boxes
A text box is an object that lets you put and type text anywhere in your file.
- On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box and a drop down menu will appear.
- Click on a text box template or click Draw Text Box at the bottom of the drop down menu to draw your own text box.
- If you elect to draw your own text box you need to click in the document, and then drag to draw the text box the size that you want.
- To add text to a text box, click inside the text box, and then type or paste text. To format text in the text box, select the text, and then use the formatting options in the Font group on the Home tab. To position the text box, click it, and then when the pointer becomes a , drag the text box to a new location.
Note: If you have problems printing text boxes, make sure that the Print drawing created in Word check box is selected. To do this, click the File tab, click Options, click Display, and then
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under Printing Options, select the Print drawings created in Word check box.
Deleting Text Boxes
To remove a text box just click the border of the text box that you want to delete, and then press DELETE. Make sure that the pointer is not inside the text box, but rather on the border of the text box. If the pointer is not on the border, pressing DELETE will delete the text inside the text box and not the text box.
Insert Wordart
WordArt can be used to add special text effects to your document. For example, you can stretch a title, skew text, make text fit a preset shape, or apply a gradient fill. This WordArt becomes an object that you can move or position in your document to add decoration or emphasis. You can modify or add to the text in an existing WordArt object whenever you want. To add WordArt to text in your document, complete the following steps:
- On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click WordArt,
- A Drop down menu will appear, click the WordArt style that you want.
- A Text Box will appear with the words‖ Enter your text here‖, Enter your text.
Insert Picture/Clip Art
Pictures and clip art can be inserted or copied into a document from many different sources, including downloaded from a clip art Web site provider, copied from a Web page, or inserted from a folder where you save pictures.
Insert Clip Art
- On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Clip Art.
- A Clip Art task pane will appear on the right of your screen, in the Search for box, type a word or phrase that describes the clip art that you want.
- Click Go.
- In the list of results, double-click on the clip art to insert it into your document.
Insert Picture from Web
- Open the document.
- From the Web page, drag the picture that you want into the Word document.
Insert Picture from File
To insert a picture saved in your computer, insert it by following these steps.
- Click where you want to insert the picture in your document.
- On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture.
- Locate the picture that you want to insert. For example, you might have a picture file located in My Documents.
- Double-click the picture that you want to insert and it will appear in your document. NOTE: To resize a picture, select the picture you’ve inserted in the document. To increase or decrease the size in one or more directions, drag a sizing handle away from or toward the center, while you do one of the following:
Cropping a Picture
Cropping reduces the size of a picture by removing vertical or horizontal edges. Cropping is often used to hide or trim a part of a picture, either for emphasis or to remove unwanted portions.
- Click on the picture that you want to crop.
- Go to Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click Crop.
- Black dotted lines will appear around your picture. Then drag the center cropping handle on that side inward.
- As you drag the cropping handle you will notice the area of your graphic you want removed will become gray.
- Once you have cropped out everything you want, click outside of the graphic for the gray area you want removed to disappear.
Practice 8
Working With Page Layout Tab
The page layout tab is made up of the following groups; theme, page setup, page background, paragraph, arrange. We shall discuss page setup and page background group. The page setup group is made up of the following commands/menus; margin, orientation, size, line numbers etc. to execute some of the commands in page setup; it is advisable to invoke page setup dialog box.
To Invoke Page Setup Dialog box
- Click on page layout
- Click on the arrow by the bottom right hand side of the page setup
- You can now execute any of the commands
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Figure 11n. Page setup dialog box
Page Background
The page background is made up of 3 commands which are; watermark, page color, and page border.
To Insert Watermark
- Activate page layout by click page layout tab
- Click on watermark in page background group
- Click on the watermark type you want
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Figure11o. Watermark dialog box
Click on customize watermark to design your own watermark
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Figure 11p. Customize watermark dialog box
Note: to remove the water mark, repeat step I – ii, and click on remove water mark from the dialog box.
To insert page color
- Activate page layout by click page layout tab
- Click on page color in page background group
- Click on the color you want
- You can also use fill effects by clicking field effect command in page color dialog box
To Insert Page Border
- Activate page layout by click page layout tab
- Click on page border command in page background group
- The page border dialog box appears as follows;
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Figure 11q. Border and shading dialog box
Select the page border type from setting or art gallery
Click ok.
Create Columns
Columns can be used in documents such as brochures, newsletters or to save space when creating lists.
Add columns before entering text:
- Go to the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Columns.
- Click the layout that you want. Your document will be formatted in columns.
Note: To add a vertical line between the columns, click Columns again, click More Columns, and then select the Line between check box. You can also adjust the column width and spacing.
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Add Columns to Part of a Document
To do that highlight the texts you want formatted in columns, or place your cursor where you want columns to begin.
- On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Columns.
- Click More Columns.
- Click the number of columns that you want.
- In the Apply to list, click selected text or this point forward.
Note: To change the layout again further on in your document, select text or click where you want to change the layout, and then follow the same steps. For example, you can change from one column to a two-column layout, and then you can change back to the single-column layout on a later page.
Practice 9
Working with Reference Tab
Reference tab is made up of the following groups; table of contents, footnotes, citation and bibliography, captions, index, and table of authority.
Table of Contents
We create a table of contents by applying heading styles for example, Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 to the text that we want to include in the table of contents. Microsoft Office Word searches for those headings and then inserts the table of contents into your document. When you create a table of contents this way, you can automatically update it if you make changes in your document. Microsoft Office Word 2010 provides a gallery of automatic table of contents styles. Mark the table of contents entries, and then click the table of contents style that you want from the gallery of options. You can also create a custom table of contents with the options you choose and any custom styles that you’ve applied by using the Table of Contents dialog box.
Mark Entries for A Table Of Contents
The easiest way to create a table of contents is to use the built-in heading styles (heading style: Formatting applied to a heading. Microsoft Word has nine different built-in styles: Heading 1 through Heading 9.). You can also create a table of contents that is based on the custom styles that you have applied. Or you can assign the table of contents levels to individual text entries.
Mark entries by using built-in heading styles
- Select the text that you want to appear in the table of contents.
- On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the style that you want.
For example, if you selected text that you want to style as a main heading, click the style called Heading 1 in the Quick Style gallery. Notes
If you don’t see the style that you want, click the arrow to expand the Quick Style gallery.
If the style that you want does not appear in the Quick Style gallery, press CTRL+SHIFT+S to open the Apply Styles task pane. Under Style Name, click the style that you want.
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Create a Table Of Contents From The Gallery
After you mark the entries for your table of contents, you are ready to build it.
- Click where you want to insert the table of contents, usually at the beginning of a document.
- On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents, and then click the table of contents style that you want.
Note If you want to specify more options — for example, how many heading levels to show — click Insert Table of Contents to open the Table of Contents dialog box. To find out more about the different options.
Create a Custom Table of Contents
- On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents, and then click Insert Table of Contents.
- In the Table of Contents dialog box, do any of the following:
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- To change how many heading levels are displayed in the table of contents, enter the number that you want in the box next to Show levels, under General.
- To change the overall look of your table of contents, click a different format in the Formats list. You can see what your choice looks like in the Print Preview and Web Preview areas.
- To change the type of line that appears between the entry text and the page number, click an option in the Tab leader list.
- To change the way heading levels are displayed in the table of contents, click Modify. In the Style dialog box, click the level that you want to change, and then click Modify. In the Modify Style dialog box, you can change the font, the size, and the amount of indentation.
- To use custom styles in the table of contents, click Options, and then do the following:
- Under Available styles, find the style that you applied to the headings in your document.
- Under TOC level, next to the style name, type a number from 1 to 9 to indicate the level that you want the heading style to represent.
Note If you want to use only custom styles, delete the TOC level numbers for the built-in styles, such as Heading 1.
- Repeat step 1 and step 2 for each heading style that you want to include in the table of contents.
- Click OK.
- Choose a table of contents to fit the document type:
- Printed document If you are creating a document that readers will read on a printed page, create a table of contents in which each entry lists both the heading
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and the page number where the heading appears. Readers can turn to the page that they want.
- Online document For a document that readers will read online in Word, you can format the entries in the table of contents as hyperlinks, so that readers can go to a heading by clicking its entry in the table of contents.
Update the Table Of Contents
If you added or removed headings or other table of contents entries in your document, you can quickly update the table of contents.
- On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Update Table.
- Click Update page numbers only or Update entire table.
Delete a Table of Contents
- On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents.
- Click Remove Table of Contents.
Practice 10
Working With Mailings Tab
We use mail merge when you want to create a set of documents, such as a form letter that is sent to many customers. Each document has the same kind of information, yet some of the content is unique. For example, in letters to your customers, you can personalize each letter to address each customer by name. The unique information in each letter comes from entries in a data source. We use commands on the Mailings tab to perform a mail merge.
The mail merge process entails the following overall steps:
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- Set up the main document. The main document contains the text and graphics that are the same for each version of the merged document — for example, the return address in a form letter.
- Connect the document to a data source. A data source is a file that contains the information to be merged into a document. For example, the names and addresses of the recipients of a letter.
- Refine the list of recipients or items. Microsoft Word generates a copy of the main document for each recipient or item in your data file. If you want to generate copies for only certain items in your data file, you can choose which items (or records) to include.
- Add placeholders, called mail merge fields, to the document. When you perform the mail merge, the mail merge fields are filled with information from your data file.
- Preview and complete the merge. You can preview each copy of the document before you print the whole set.
Procedure for Mail Merge in MS Word 2010
On the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge, and then click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.
The Mail Merge task pane appears.
Step 1 of 6: Select document type
Under Select Document Type, click E-mail Messages. Click Next: Starting Document.
Step 2 of 6: Select starting document
Under Select starting document are three choices: Use the current document, Start from a template, and Start from existing document. When you click each option, additional information about the option appears in the task pane.
Click Next: Select Recipients to continue.
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Step 3 of 6: Select recipients
If you select Use an existing list, click Browse to locate and choose your file. Click Edit recipient list to modify the address list after it is created.
If you select Select from Outlook contacts, click Choose Contacts Folder. If Outlook is not open, you will be prompted for your Outlook profile.
If you select Type a new list, you can create a new address list. Click Next: Write your e-mail message to continue.
Step 4 of 6: Write your e-mail message
At this point, you insert your merge fields. You can use a combination of items:
Address Block: Use this item to insert fields that will insert a block of text, such as the name and address.
Greeting Line: Use this item to choose the format that you want on your greeting line.
Electronic Postage: Use this item if you have electronic postage software on your computer that is compatible with Word.
More Items: Use this item to enter any other fields that are in your recipient list.
Click Next: Preview your e-mail messages to continue.
Step 5 of 6: Preview your e-mail message
You can preview just one message of your mail merge, or you can preview all of them. You also can click Edit recipient list to remove names or add to your recipient list.
After you preview your message, click Next: Complete the merge to continue.
Step 6 of 6: Complete the merge
Click Electronic Mail.
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When the Merge to E-mail dialog box appears, select the field that you want to use for the to line, type the subject in the Subject line, and then select the mail format that you want to use.
Click OK to send your messages.
Practice 10
Working With Review Tab
The Review tab is divided into the following groups; proofing, language, comments, tracking, changes, compare, and protect.
To Use Spelling and Grammar Command
Spelling and grammar command is the fastest way to fix spelling errors in a document
- Put your cursor over the misspelled word and right click.
- A drop down box will appear with correct spellings of the word.
- Highlight and left click the word you want to replace the incorrect word with. To complete a more comprehensive Spelling and Grammar check, you can use the Spelling and Grammar feature.
- Click on the Review tab
- Click on the Spelling & Grammar command (a blue check mark with ABC above it).
- A Spelling and Grammar box will appear.
- You can correct any Spelling or Grammar issue within the box.
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Figure 11r. Spelling and grammar dialog box
To Use Word count
- Activate review tab
- Click on word count, then you have this result that gives the statistics of your document
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Figure 11s. Word count result board
Insert a Comment
You can insert a comment inside balloons that appear in the document margins. You can also hide comments from view. If you don’t want comments to appear in your document during a review, you must clear your document of comments by deleting them. To find out whether comments remain in your document, click Show Markup on the Review tab in the Tracking group.
- Select the text or item that you want to comment on, or click at the end of the text.
- On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click New Comment.
- Type the comment text in the comment balloon or in the Reviewing Pane.
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Delete a Comment
- To quickly delete a single comment, right-click the comment, and then click Delete Comment.
- To quickly delete all comments in a document, click a comment in the document. On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click the arrow below Delete, and then click Delete All Comments in Document.
Delete Comments from a Specific Reviewer
- On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click the arrow next to Show Markup.
- To clear the check boxes for all reviewers, point to Reviewers, and then click All Reviewers.
- Click the arrow next to Show Markup again, point to Reviewers, and then click the name of the reviewer whose comments you want to delete.
- In the Comments group, click the arrow below Delete Button image, and then click Delete All Comments Shown.
Change a Comment
If comments aren’t visible on the screen, click Show Markup in the Tracking group on the Review tab.
- Click inside the balloon for the comment that you want to edit.
- Make the changes that you want.
Add or Change the Name Used in Comments
- On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click the arrow next to Track Changes, and then click Change User Name.
- Under Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office, change the name or initials that you want to use in your own comments.
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Practice 11 Print Preview
Print Preview automatically displays when you click on the Print tab. whenever you make a change to a print-related setting, the preview is automatically updated.
- Click the File tab, and then click Print. To go back to your document, click the File tab.
- A preview of your document automatically appears. To view each page, click the arrows below the preview.
The Print tab is the place to go to make sure you are printing what you want.
- Click the File tab.
- Click the Print command to print a document.
- Click the Print button to print your document.
- This dropdown shows the currently selected printer. Clicking the dropdown will display other available printers.
- These dropdown menus show currently selected Settings. Rather than just showing you the name of a feature, these dropdown menus show you what the status of a feature is and describes it. This can help you figure out if you want to change the setting from what you have.
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Figure 11t. Printing dialog box
Practice 12
Save a Document
To save a document in the format used by Word 2010 and Word 2007, do the following:
- Click the File tab.
- Click Save As.
- In the File name box, enter a name for your document.
- Click Save.
To save a document so that it is compatible with Word 2003 or earlier, do the following:
- Click the File tab.
- Click Save As.
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- In the Save as type list, click Word 97-2003 Document. This changes the file format to .doc.
- In the File name box, type a name for the document.
- Click Save.
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